The Girl of my Dreams


Draka production


full-length film





Directed by

Saverio Di Biagio


Primo Reggiani, Miriam Giovanelli, Nicolas Vaporidis, Chiara Gensini, Marco Rossetti, Jessica Paglialunga e con Remo Girone e la partecipazione straordinaria di Nicola Nocella


Available for rental in dvd and blu-ray



Watch the trailer


A real genre bender, thist is a story of love. It is at one time, a fantasy tale, an explicit sex odyssey, a love story, a comedy: it is an experience for soul and body. It caters to different audiences, and it has a strong international appeal.

Magic and spirits leave behind dusty books and gothic settings to come into life in Bari, a modern city with an ancient tradition. “Everything is full of ghosts, if you know how to look” says the main character’s best friend, before plunging him into a world of beauty and horror that intermingles with the reality we think we know. It is a world of a subtle magic, made of coincidence more than flashy lights of perceptions more than super-powers. A subtle magic; but powerful, as all subtle things.

This is a story that will make you feel, will make you fear and will touch your soul.

The film is based on the book “The girl of my dreams” by Francesco Dimitri. Dimitri is an author of fantasy novels, non-fiction and comic books. He is described by critics as “one of the most significant writers of non-fiction and fantasy novels in the current generation.”


Bif&st – Bari International Film Festival
World Fest- Houston Film Festival
Foggia Film Festival



P. is a thirty-years-old guy, quite unsatisfied. Several situations have been badly influencing him, preventig him from living how he would like to: parents’ death, the aseptic newsroom where he works; Mario, his roommate, such breezy as superficial; Margherita, the girl he loves and which he can’t declare himself to. One day at the office P. meets an old high school friend, Alessandro, brilliant IT consultant day-time, and unleashed electronic musician at night; Alessandro brings P. in a world of fantasy and secrecy. “The enchantment is everywhere, along the streets, in the crowd, you just have to learn to see”, says Alessandro, while he’s leading P. through the discovery of an hidden world that slithers eternally behind the reality we use to know.

When P. meets Sofia, fascinating and tender, so similar to the girl he dreams every night, an irrepressible passion turns them on.
P. will find out gradually a world he coudn’t guess before and the events will force him to a great sacrifice to survive, changing completely his point of view about life and love.


Saverio di Biagio, director

In 2008, with the direction of “Articolo 24”, presented at the International Film Festival in Rome, 2008, it is a participating film in “All human rights for”. “Qualche nuvola” his first effort, made an important impression on the critics; it was in the finals for the Solinas recognition in 2004 in the “Leo Benvenuti” category, and it was presented at the Venice Film Festival in 2012.

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