The hilarious comedy about seeking success through social media, directed by Giancarlo Doronzo and starring very popular figures in the web such as Daniele Condotta, Mandrake, Glenda Resta, and Chiara Anicito (Cammela), is now available on Prime Video Italy.
It’s the story of Daniele (30) who loses his job during the 2020 lockdown. Plunged into despair, he discovers the world of social media content, quickly becoming a celebrity, but his fame is fleeting. An ambitious proposal from a network pushes him to self-produce a documentary, revealing the difficulties of collaborating with other famous TikTokers. With the help of his loyal videomaker, Uncle Nicola, Daniele attempts to film his documentary, but things don’t go as planned. Through unexpected events, chance encounters, and challenges, will Daniele manage to deliver his work?
Watch the trailer.
Watch the film.
“For a Fistful of Likes”
Produced by: Antonio Di Cosola for TALIA FILM SRL
Directed by: Giancarlo Doronzo
Written by: Antonio Di Cosola, Daniele Condotta, Giancarlo Doronzo
Starring: Daniele Condotta, Enrico Milanesi, Filippo Totaro, Michele Loprieno, Giuseppe Ninno (Mandrake), Glenda Resta, Chiara Anicito.